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What are the odds that three members of an academic-scientific-Buddhist meditation group who also happen to be representatives of Wall Street and the City of London banking and/or brokerage institutions would simultaneously move into homes immediately next to my house on a tiny street in a tiny town at the same time that Im there? These things dont have anything to do with protecting the US people or standing up for freedom and democracy. Now that I have put some of these pieces together, I can offer some speculations: Were the Carmelite priests, monks, nuns, and their retreatants also guinea pigs and targets in the Crestone/Baca MKULTRA cult mind control experiment? As per introductory quote #23, Maccauley is reported to have stated: The important thing is to keep things stirred up. Once when I met him in downtown Crestone while I was walking my two dogs, his only greeting was: Nice cats. And in Part XII of this series, I report that when I ran for a position on the Baca Grande Property Owners Association Board of Directors, Maccauley wrote a smear piece about me for the Crestone Eagles letters to the editor. Valentine, D., 2017, The CIA As Organized Crime: How Ilegal Operations Corrupt America and the World, Clarity Press, Inc., Atanta, Georgia, 446 pp. His original analysis has been studied by students of the scriptures in over 130 countries worldwide, and is included in his first book - A Remnant Shall Return first published in 2015.. Be notified when new blogs, videos or books are available. Oh and BTW, it appears that UFOs, aliens, and MKULTRA cults of the Mysterious Valley are all just military psyops and, for that matter, part of cognitive warfare against the domestic population. However, I ask the reader to ponder these statements carefully, as I have, for doing so can help lift the veil of deception that still engulfs this Potemkin Village (false-front) community. Having developed a deep distrust of all medical people and indeed, people in general, as a result of my targeting, I did not rush out to find Coumadin. Symphony Health Acquisition, Ago for a FiveM server unless i join a perferred community and they need development assistance go. Copyright LastDaysTimeline.comAll Rights Reserved. Having been raised a Unitarian, however, I was not able to discern that Fr. Go figure! The subject will then have spiritual experiences akin to being in the presense of a supreme being or having alien contact. The Kama Corporation is a sprawling, diversified military contractor. I suggest that disinformation and lies have been and are being used to coverup long-term covert nonconsensual human experimentation and concomitant organized stalking-electronic torture crimes (the TI program) perpetrated by plain-clothed special forces, ex-military and police, MKULTRA cults, citizen-vigilantes, etc. Not necessarily in order- Inspiring Short: Fear Not: Good Tidings of Great Joy | Lloyd D. Newell Inspiring Short: Gratitude Over the Years Inspiring Short: But, 3 of 8. Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. Now fast forward to about 2008. You are responsible for reading, understanding and agreeing to the National Law Review's (NLRs) and the National Law Forum LLC's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before using the National Law Review website. Dr. Rauni Kilde refers to the perps as mind-controlled patsies.. Its all in the military documents.). Nothing that the gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands., 19) We are a superior subspecies. including these listed with the Santa Barbara Institute: These titles demonstrate Wallaces orientation towards the scientific study of Buddhist meditation. I was a fairly serious student, meditator, and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism at that point. Their goal is to produce disruption and conflict. The following posts highlight the contributions of some of the biggest names in psychology and psychiatry, who incidentally, should be regarded as depraved psychopaths who betrayed their patients and their Hippocratic Oaths: 1) Mind Control: History and Applications by Professor Eric T. Karlstrom, 2012, 2) The Minds of Men: History of Cybernetics, Totalitarian Brain Science, & Satanic Technosorcerers; 2018 Documentary by A. Despite all this murder and mayhem, it has only lost around 100 officers. Cognitive or neuro warfare (neuroS/T) weapons systems, comprise the new 6th warfare domain, and are used to augment other warfare domain (land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace) systems to achieve: a) total population control (full spectrum dominance and Mastering The Human Domain by the military and police aka WINS (warfare, intelligence, national security) and National Security Racketeering Network. Nothing is what it seems, reality isnt real. Were/are they foreign agents? We do know that for this kind human research, the harvesting of professional contemplatives brain data, has now come out into the open with the Center for Contemplative Research. was michael b rush excommunicated +447456577526 enquiries@invitoproperty.com michael booth morgan actor cause of death; robert swan is very dangerous; billings, montana obituaries 2021. is michael beschloss in a wheelchair; shauna shapiro husband; cxc subjects needed to become a psychologist; alexa demie speaking spanish. Paperback. The following posts indicate our (Nazi) superstate has deployed and continues to deploy trauma-based mind control techniques and technologies secretly against military personnel, innocent citizens, and children today: The most horrific information of all is contained in this article by an ex-NSA psychic warrior who became a whistleblower upon writing this article in 2009. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute. So here we have people at an environment congress that are waltzing 200 miles south that want to suck the aquifers dry and turn it into a desert. I had been a friend of the Carmelites (aka The Spiritual Life Institute of America, SLIA) since 1968 when I was a student at Prescott College. Michael passed away in December 2019. In two Power of Prophecy audio programs entitled The Ways of the Serpent, Christian author, Texe Marrs, asserts that the implantation of the double mind is satans principle strategy! (Joyce was executed 1/3/1946), 23) Judaism IS the worship of Moloch (Satan). Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, 24) Most Jews dont like to admit it but the God we worship is Lucifer. Truth can stand by itself. Thomas Jefferson. Certainly, implementation of the Antichrist kingdom can be accomplished by connecting all human brains to the Pentagon Cloud-Hive Mind and accomplishing the bio-robotization and zombification of our species. 24) The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. one of the factors of neuro-science The dark side is the weaponization of these technologies These (Cuban and Chinese) embassy attacks are directed, purposeful, and targeted at a particular population that is targeted and chosen Neurotechnology will drive the next hybrid war, which has already started Everything that can be made can be hacked. 30. He auditioned to audition, didnt get the call, went anyway, got to audition again and then made the TV show to compete to make the band. Discovery Institute Michael Medved Spotlights the New Book, Your Designed Body Nov 23 2022 About the book- Your Designed Body by Steve Laufmann (Author), Howard Glicksman MD (Author) November 18, 2022 Consider your body. While still an intelligence officer, Jones worked at Kaman Temp, Inc., a subsidiary of Kaman Sciences Corporation. 2) Brain mapping involving mobile EEG (electro-encephalograhic) and brain imagery Amazingly, the Manitou Foundation began granting land parcels to spiritual groups BEFORE Strong officially bought the Baca Ranch. Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezra's Eagle. Specifically, they help confirm that Crestone, CO is: 1) a locus of New World Order-UN Agenda 21/2030-world government-UNCED (Rio Earth Summit) activity, and 2) is a (CIA) MKULTRA cult! brian dunleavy history; mother in law apartment for rent utah; shotgun cantilever vent rib scope mount michael b rush excommunicated. Mr. Wright was excommunicated after a four-hour disciplinary proceeding last month. And I have no certainty that professional contemplatives will fare any better than TIs in the long run. WebMichael B. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. All were labeled as top secret. They were done under the auspices of the University of Denver and the University of Minnesota. Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezra's Eagle. Esalen and Michael Murphy are both closely associated with the Human Potential Movement which also continued MKULTRA mind control programs after the Church Senate Committee The relationship of Ezra's Eagle to Daniel's 4 Beasts - and what nations the first 3 beasts were. 00. Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed is real. Radical greens believe that all of mans activities on earth are harmful and therefore not sustainable. dog friendly walks canungra; aegon cofunds address; bottomless brunch aylesbury Elder John A. Widtsoe mentioned that there have been many in this dispensation whose lives have been blessed through the ministry of angels. Heres the bottom line: The 84 stocks I suggested during the 2020 bear market were up 94.8% by the end of 2020, vs. 49.6% for the S&P 500. https://the-roaring-lion-book-store.myshopify.com/Michael Rush was the key note speaker at Phill Wright's Return From Rysa book launch event at the Layton Ch. From McClaughry Blog Timeline (Scientology Roots, 2012) in: Part IX: NWO Slavemasters & Our Absolute Slavery Via Intel Ops, Mind Control, Scientology, Cults, Torture, 9/11, & Voices of God: 2 Timelines (962 2012 AD), 26) Trauma-based mind control, also aptly termed white slavery for the CHOSEN ONES IN THE 21ST Century, will be predictably the largest cottage industry in terms of illicit profits, death, and destruction of innocent victimsunless the trend is stopped and those responsible in government and the private sector are punished and the survivors/victims given qualified rehabilitative psychiatric care. A few of the great shows on FrankSpeech.com The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson The Stone Zone https://fra, God Must Have Spent a Little More Time On Joey Fatone! There are innumerable scholarly articles about these warfare techniques, as well as related patents, grants, military manuals, etc., that support these conclusions. Such drug usage stands in sharp contrast to his love of studying the Book of Mormon, earning him a reputation among his friends as a scriptorian. He says he became a man obsessed only with learning about faith, not following. This Podcast is based off the book - A Remnant Shall Return written by Michael Rush. These domestic crimes must be exposed and rectified and the perpetrators must be punished poste haste. These targeted individuals are attacked by all sectors of society via the FBI-DHS Fusion Center and Community-Oriented Policing (COPs) systems. Giordano and Canton refer in quotes #30 and 31 above and in the next section of this paper on cognitive warfare. Based on my observations, cult leaders exert considerable control over the thoughts and behaviors of cult members. This may have political or religious purposes, Since suicide is considered the one unforgiveable sin by the Catholic Church, it may result in the victim joining Satan in hell forever. Many people have borne and may bear testimony to the guidance and . The following ten flow-chart diagrams (Figure 3 below) demonstrate many of the well-established networks and connections between Maurice Strong (Figure 3-A), World Government (3-B), U.N. from anyone (as part of information/cognitive warfare), b) for military war games, as per the Pentagons Sentient World Simulation.. I dont know. 5) These so-called mind control experiments/programs can be used to covertly eliminate (i.e., destroy the lives of) any and all opposition to the New World Order in a selective depopulation purge of intellectuals, activists, enemies of the state, veterans, mind control victims, inferior races, Christians, veterans, and other so-called threats or deplorables.. Death Vaxx: The New Holocaust By The Stew Peters Show, 10 February, 2023 Documentary Series mentioned- Never Again Is Now Global FULL SERIES https://rumble.com/v28vt3q-never-again-is-now-global-full-series.html Never Again is Now Global 5 , U Cant Touch Thisinterview Lance has with former boy bander and Glee icon Kevin McHale! McGowan, D., 2014, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops, and the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream, Head Press, 446 pp. It is the secret merger of the Manhattan Project for the Mind with the Manhattan Project for Counterterrorism., Cutting through the smokescreen terminology, Dr. Rauni Kilde, TI and former chief medical officer of Northern Finland, has stated: This (targeted individual program) is the most important policy of the US government. Of the many, many different Orwellian terms for the targeted individual program, recent ones include total information control and cognitive warfare.. Then join the professional money managers, subscribers from top tier brokerage and accounting firms (Bulge Bracket and Big Four), analysts, and individual investors who already profit from my stock letter! 4.71 . My conclusions, based on many years of research and experience: 1) Crestone/Baca is a Potemkin Village/false front/facade for multiple purpose military-intelligence operations, including testing and deployment of the U.S. militarys cognitive warfare system on the public. Indeed, in many ways, we have lived in a false-matrix of disinformation, propaganda, and lies. Webmichael rush excommunicated; babe ruth world series live stream; holley sniper runs for 30 seconds then dies; 2022 michigan medical records access act fees limelight August 12, 2020, 12:18pm #2. So many people girlfriends, lawyers, everybody almost, turned out to be working for the CIA and the Jews. Epoch Times Documentary - Who is Stealing America? Tucker Carlson- Airliner Crashes Because of Diversity, Insane Asylum, Detransition, Book- Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last. This is the official page for Michael B. Here, Vice President Al Gore delivered a sermon, as worshippers marched to the alter with bowls of compost and worms, From The Most Dangerous Man in the World, speech by Tom DeWeese, President, American Policy Center, 1996. Mind control has always been a deeply satanic program in that it incorporates satanic ritual abuse and satanic ritual murder. Michael B. Michael B. to control and ultimately appropriate our land, resources, citizens, and nation. Occult societies are secretive. We have entered insanityland? How many billions of people would have to die to fulfill Maurice Strongs vision? We have entered an era of technological advancement in electromagnetic weapons that have allowed agencies to use society as a laboratory, giving plausible denial to those performing the research Society has become the new laboratory, the public guinea pigs, for the technologies of control. Some of these are extremely bright people. G. Cognitive Warfare (CW), Weaponized NeuroS/T, and Targeted Individual Program. See: Cutting Through Smokescreen Terminology: 286 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth Of Gangstalking War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity. Dr. Michael Persinger, currently at Laurentian University in Canada, has studied the ability of magnetic fields to create false memories and alter consciousness for many years.. Dr. Persinger is accredited with developing the God Helmet which, when placed on a subjects head, uses microwave energy to stimulate the temporal lobes of the brain. We are divine gods on this planet. ), 4) The Strongs (Maurice and Hanne) say they see the Baca, which they call The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths, as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake. Chairman Mo was: a) founder of the UN Environmental Program (UNEP) as well as innumerable other UN environmental agencies and initiatives, b) the billionaire CEO of seemingly countless corporations and agencies, c) friend and confidant of such NWO titans as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, d) a world class robber baron billionaire in his own right, and, according to Dewar (1985), e) a spy with British intelligence (MI6). Strong joined the Board of Directors of Arizona-Colorado Land and Cattle Company in the late 1970s and by 1985 had assumed ownership of one of its major properties, the 140,000 acre Luis Maria de Baca Grande Grant #4. Their non-thermal effects can be as equally detrimental as their thermal effects, as witnessed every day in microwave ovens. Covertly get them supporting that agenda. He w, Death Vaxx: The New Holocaust and The truth about the 2020 election. 4) the continuation and operational deployment of CIA MKULTRA mind control/cult research and experimentation upon nonconsensual human subjects (including spiritual seekers, locals, activists, others). The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Was this the terminal part of my terminal MKULTRA experiment to dispose of the nonconsensual human test subject, me? It is a conglomerate of ancient documents that were of questionable authenticity and reliability. provides advanced technology services to a number of customers, including all branches of the armed forces and various government agencies. 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