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doing actions. To make sure this game runs smoothly, be sure to model how to do the activity several times before starting. If you use an iOS or Android device, have a look at theTEFL Handbook app. This final activity is a fun speaking game to practice the present continuous tense. To warm up and introduce the present continuous tense to students, start off by listening to a fun song. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Play the video in class. Hes jumping but shes hopping or Shes winking one eye but hes blinking both eyes. Present Continuous Memory Games above can also be done with a DVD. Usingthesepresent continuous flashcards,practice the keywords by showing the flashcards and asking students to repeat after you. WebThis Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students. I have come across a sentence in this lesson, "When I get home the children are doing their homework". View our latest knowledgebase articles that will help you become a better English teacher. The students will probably need suggested questions like these, and maybe a list of possible verbs like breathe and sit. WebThis page is an ESL lesson plan to teach the present continuous tense to beginner students. If you have the technology, groups of students could also gather sounds on a recording device and then play them back for others to guess, or find similar sounds online. After questions about details (during which they can continue lying if the sentence was made up), their partners guess if the sentence is true or false. Students hear, read, and tell or read aloud one or two simple stories to become more familiar with the present continuous tense. The second worksheet is for a complete class. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. They are often happening now, at this moment. Look at the pictures and the sentences written on them. Do the same with the other present continuous verbs from the song. I am talking. This game is good for recognising contractions and practising when to put double letters in ing forms (shutting but not warnning etc.). When they look again, they should list the things which have changed, e.g. WebLesson Aims: To review the use and structure of the Present Continuous / Progressive Tense through reading comprehension using authentic material. Justin Bieber is singing in Wembley Stadium. Play the song and ask students to listen for all the words ending with ing. Its quite difficult to make your own versions of this, because if you Tippex a picture and make changes its usually too obvious where youve done so. I am sitting. As you are saying and acting out the sentences, ask the students to do the same. Discuss Important Time Words. WebAnswers might be: I am learning. two street demonstrations, two pictures from Wheres Wally (= Wheres Waldo) books, or two photos of crowded town squares. Inspired by other worksheets I have seen here, I created this one based on the song "The Greatest Show" from the movie The Greatest Showman. Assign as homework. This page is an ESL lesson plan to teach the present continuous tense to beginner students. They are often happening now, at this moment. Charades is a perfect activity to teach the present progressive tense. As preparation, you should go over the different kinds of present simple and present continuous questions they could ask. Students fill in the gaps in some sentence stems on a worksheet to make true and made-up complaints about their neighbours, classmates, cousins, etc., e.g. When students are ready, start the 30 second timer and show the student one of the flashcards / words. WebTEFL Lesson Plans Present Continuous. This resource is My mother is always telling me ______________________ and My bus driver is always _____________________ the steering wheel. 1. Generate double puzzles your students will love - hours of fun! 3: What Is Happening Now? Students take turns boasting about how annoying their (imaginary) spouse, parents, teacher, friend, siblings etc. To avoid repetition, make sure no two pairs select the same profession. For example, students work together to draw 20 or so people in a park and label each person with what they are doing. You can ask students to imagine specific scenes such as particular countries, tourist resorts, or holiday homes.
Present continuous (progressive) tense. Make me say Yes, I am/ Make me say No, Im not Students take turns asking yes/ no questions that they think their 2. Guessing and doing mimes can be made more challenging and fun by the mimes being made with just hands (e.g. This is also possible without technology by hiding a card and revealing it bit by bit from behind another card. They have to describe what is happening to put them back into order without showing them to each other, e.g. Unlock Printable & Digital worksheets with the Unlimited subscription. This use is often contrasted with Present Simple for present routines/ habits/ repeated actions. present continuous lesson plan adults Lesson Plan of Present Continuous Tense.
1. There are 10 questions.
Players use the target grammar of the lesson to nail down a random object that their classmate is thinking of., On each turn, a student will come to the front of the class. Make me say Yes, I am/ Make me say No, Im not Students take turns asking yes/ no questions that they think their 2. Students guess the Present Continuous action or person doing it from spoken clues. When finished, they can compare their work with another duo. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'games4esl_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',649,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-games4esl_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Download all the materials you need for this lesson in the box below. Write an email to your friend and describe: 1.What you and your friends are doing now.2.What your daily routine is like. When finished, they can compare their work with another duo. Elicit the location of each story from students. Students need to talk about photos in work, study and social contexts and the lesson also supports students who are preparing for the Cambridge B1 Preliminary speaking exam. present continuous lesson plan adults Lesson Plan of Present Continuous Tense. To play this game, you must first place one of thepresent continuous flashcardsin each of the 4 corners of the room. (Use frequency adverbs). 23. Its important to teach this topic at the right time. Heidi has taught preschool all the way to university and has a masters in TESOL. Read more. 1. Examples include eating, singing, reading, running, dancing, etc. Students will need to use quotation marks (or the equivalent for other search engines) to make sure that other combinations of those words dont come up as results. Download all the materials you need for this lesson in the box below. Present Continuous time zones guessing game. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Present Continuous? Quite a few pop songs and childrens songs include a significant number of Present Continuous sentences, with maybe the most famous being Toms Diner by Suzanne Vega. Teaching English Using Games & Activities, Present Continuous tense activities with no or minimal resources, Photocopiables for classroom practice of Present Continuous, Technology-based Present Continuous classroom activities, Blocks games for different language points, 36 fun classroom activities for Present Simple and Continuous, Fun video tasks to practise Present Simple and Present Continuous, 56 fun classroom activities for the Present Simple tense, Superlative Adjectives- Classroom Activities, Classroom activities for colour vocabulary, Classroom activities for teaching opposites. Alternatively, to make this game more fun, one student can ask What are you doing? and the other student must answer and act out the sentence (for example, I am dancing.).
my birthday. This Present Progressive worksheet is perfect for young students, How to Teach Conversational English: 9 Best Practices, Give Your ESL Students a BOOst with These Halloween Themed Language Activities, 9 Absolutely Essential ESL Games for Vocabulary Review, PPP: Present Simple vs Continuous - Boardgame, Future (Will, Going to and Present Continuous), Present Simple vs. Students work together to find Present Continuous sentences which are true about both of them, e.g. You are rejecting an invitation or You are leaving someones house. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Tell students that each corner of the room is a different level and has a different action. all the subject pronouns on small pieces of blue paper and all the verbs on larger green paper. They must think of a specific everyday object and answer questions from its point of view. For example, one student will ask, What is he doing? and the other student will look at the picture and answer, He is eating.. Depending on the needs of your class, you may go over the entire worksheet as a class, or you might go over the first question in each part and allow the student to do the rest on their own. Practicing Present continuous tense. WebThis lesson plan on the present continuous tense should be used to teach elementary-level students a basic understanding of how to use verbs in the present simple form. Learning a new language can be hard work, so here are 70 practical tips for improving your English that you can do outside of school or college. my birthday. This is a Flipped Classroom lesson plan. To play this game students must look around the classroom / outside the classroom and describe what is happening right now using present progressive sentences. Hope its useful! More confident classes can also try this game with just a list of situations (Apologising etc) before being given the phrases to use. Have students open Side by Side 1 to pg.22 or pass out the picture story/stories you will use. Present progressive words included in this game are swimming, eating, running, jumping, watching, listening, reading, drawing, playing, and dancing. Explain to students that use he to refer to boys and she to refer to girls. Assign as homework. English ESL Video Lessons. Pause the song after each action and ask students what he/she is doing. Someone is running) as quickly as possible.
He is really enjoying it. Students will then take turns in placing their eraser at the bottom of the board game and flicking it with their finger. | Category: Teaching English Using Games & Activities Have students tell you what each person or group of people are doing.
WebLesson Aims: To review the use and structure of the Present Continuous / Progressive Tense through reading comprehension using authentic material. WebTranscript. In any case, it is suitable for group or individual classes. 74. Have students open Side by Side 1 to pg.22 or pass out the picture story/stories you will use. Or, to make it more fun for kids, invite some students up to the front to act out the actions and ask the other students, What is he/she doing?. 4th day off 10th (Sun.) Make a list of functional language which is used in particular situations, e.g. Present Continuous Worksheet, Present Continuous - Formation and Exercises, Song Worksheet: Mr Brightside (Present Continuous), Grammar Test: Future Simple, Future Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Teach The Future Continuous Free ESL Lesson Plan, Songworksheet: Someone You Loved (L. Capaldi), Song worksheet: Someone You Loved (L. Capaldi), Present Simple or Present Continuous Exercise, Reader 1 Reading Writing Listening Speaking, Song Worksheet: Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna, Questions and Negatives - Present Simple and Present Continuous, Present Simple or Present Progressive Video Activity, "The Greatest Show" from The Greatest Showman Song Worksheet. Suddenly, a dog comes in and steals Chriss sandwich. The same thing can also be done with animals, robots, monsters, aliens etc. Introduce the actions vocab: play "Slowly reveal the flashcard" Your students should know some of these actions from 2. present continuous lesson plan adults Lesson Plan of Present Continuous Tense. Once students become comfortable with the present simple, introduce important time words such as 'everyday' and adverbs of frequency (usually, sometimes, rarely, etc.). Check out for conversation topics, debate topics, writing topics, and more ideas and resources for teachers. Teaching the present progressive tense / present continuous tense to kids and beginner ESL learners can be incredibly fun. There are 2 worksheets. Mixed Tenses Quiz | Grammar Quiz Plus Printable PDF Exercise, First Conditional Quiz And Printable PDF Exercise, What are you doing? I am eating a sandwich., What is he/she doing? He/She is dancing., What are they doing? They are playing soccer.. If you want to score, give one point for each sentence that hadnt been said before, perhaps allowing the same sentence with a different subject (He is breathing, We are breathing etc.) Here are some examples of things happening now. Divide the class into pairs and have them create a present tense sentence for each prompt. excellent online English training course. Students research data like time zones and populations of countries to make statements like Two billion people are sleeping right now and Over one million people are suffering from malaria. 74. Whenever the person with the gun feels confident of being able to shoot the right person (without hitting any innocent bystanders and obviously without being able to look), they aim and make a shooting noise. When using the interrogative with the present continuous, one does not use the verb to do as with the present simple, rather, one swaps the positions of the conjugation of to be and the present participle. Try to elicit the following and add them to the board: 1.Their routinea.What time do you start work?b.How many hours do you work a day/week?c.What are your main responsibilities?2.What they are doing at the momenta.What are you doing at the moment?b.Why are you doing that?3.If they are happy with their joba.Do you like your job?Why/Why not?b.What would you change about it? 5. latest episode - At the moment. that the person answering doesnt know the answer to, e.g. Uljana7. We have designed it for use in the classroom, and it gives teachers offline access to all of our lesson plans. This simple no prep game is a great way to get your students speaking and making present continuous sentences. To play, students should put their erasers where it says start and then play rock, scissors, paper. NASA - Developing. This should eventually lead to more unusual and amusing excuses like Hes out jogging. You rolling some dough. For the guess the action version, hints can include who is doing that action now (Many people all over the world are doing this now, but only a few people in this country are doing it, My father is doing it now, and I guess your father is doing it too, etc. Or pass out the sentences, ask the students will then take turns boasting about how their! Pairs select the same profession help you become a better English teacher play game. The keywords by showing the flashcards and asking students to listen for the... 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